Thursday, June 21, 2007

completed earlier

I completed these latest pieces earlier this morning. I would have posted them last night but sleep overtook me before I could get to the computer.

D. White"

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

messages from thunderstorms

A late night communique from our Researcher in the Field:
"My apologies for the late hour. We had a lovely light-show of lightning and the noise that came with it. Fortunately, I kept myself late in the studio outpost and out of the downpour that accompanied such a light-show. During such time I finished a few more cutouts. It was an early-late hour, so I needed to rest my tired eyes for the night. Quickly wrote this entry and sent it to the Library before retiring for the sleep I can use.

Monday, June 18, 2007

views into the future

" Hello,
Weather has finally turned out better, sunny skies and the mosquitoes are in full force. Due to the high humidity and subsequent air-conditioning that most homes have I have developed a nasal cold, so that has set me back from completing some of the cutouts that were assigned to my research post. I finished translating them to paper and completed the cutting of two of the forms, which leaves me with 24 remaining...
my cold is letting up a bit, so I must press on.
More to come!
D.White, Winnipeg. Canada"

*the colours for the images attached have been altered to preserve the research being done. images of the originals will be displayed once the project is complete. Researchers of L.L.S.S.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Announcing our Winnipeg research post

The Library of Language Specimen Studies has completed the setting up of its newest research post in the closest-to-centre of North America (with the most population), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
It is an area with a lot of history, a humble fur-trading history with a varied storied past to explore. Two rivers meet near the centre of the city, called The Forks. At one point the founding of the nation of Canada was contested by the Red River (settlement) Rebellion in the mid-1800s. It is here that we have settle a young researcher, Mr. D. White. It is our hopes that he will continue to contribute from a micro/local perspective the observations that are relevant to the output of the Library of Language Specimen Studies.

Here is Mr. D. White's first posting:

June 2, 2007
This city’s been good to me while setting up the newest research outpost for the L.L.S.S. In fact, I ran into my brother (step-brother for those looking for factuality) whom I haven’t seen in 5-6 years. He looks well.
Been having some odd weather as of late, pretty much a whole week of rain and dark, cold skies. During the dreary weather, I received my memo from the L.L.S.S. to start work on completing 26 letterforms. I have scaled them up to fit the confines of the paper surface, it was instructed that they be paper cutouts. I suspect someone at the Library has a Matisse-side to them. I took some photos of the research post here in Winnipeg, it is located at the Cre8ery studio in the Exchange district of town. There was a very nice setting sun the other day that I had to photograph.
The photograph of myself is a bit humourous, I forgot to pack my camera’s tripod. So I had to make due by positioning my camera on top of the stereo which was playing some Sonny Rollins jazz while I was working. I was at the time lining up sketches to transfer onto the paper, Color-Aid paper. Hoping to have the transfer of sketches onto the paper completed and start the cutout process by the end of the week.
Fortunately, the weather is looking more like summer, sunnier skies and warmer weather. It is odd, that I find it more conducive to work in a window-less room on such days...
More to come.
D. White

*Our apologies to Mr.D. White for the misorientation for some of the photographs.